
Chesar 2.3 supports SCED-based consumer assessment

04 June 2014

ECHA's Chemical Safety Assessment and Reporting tool (Chesar) has been updated to include consumer exposure estimations based on Specific Consumer Exposure Determinants (SCEDs). SCEDs are sets of data developed by industry associations that registrants can use to estimate the exposure of consumers to a substance.

When carrying out chemical safety assessments, exposure estimates for consumers can now be generated by using the new version 3.1 of the Targeted Risk Assessment (TRA) tool developed by the European Centre for the ecotoxicology and toxicology of chemicals (ECETOC). The new version of the TRA has been integrated in Chesar. SCED data are used as an input to the tool to generate the exposure estimates.

In addition, the updated Chesar includes a number of features that make it easier, more intuitive and efficient to use. These features include:

  • Easy access to the user manual from the Chesar screens, with links pointing directly to the relevant information in the user manual;
  • You can now automatically upload substance/dossier files directly from IUCLID into Chesar with one click;
  • Consistency check of the life cycle tree which gives suggestions for improving the description of the entire life cycle of the substance.

Detailed information about the new version is available in the release notes and the related user manuals.

The next version of Chesar will support the industry standard ESComXML, once the standard itself is finalised and available to ECHA. The ESComXML is currently being developed under the coordination of the European Chemical Industry Council (Cefic). It aims to provide a standard format allowing Exposure Scenario information to be transmitted between different IT systems.

Further information

Chesar User Manuals

Cefic's ESCom standard phrase catalogue


Information on SCEDs on the website of the InformDownstream Users of Chemicals Co-ordination group (DUCC)

Create the full chemical safety report with the new IUCLID CSR plug-in, News alert 11 February 2013

ECHA Helpdesk page for feedback

Webinar on Chemical Safety Assessment (CSA 1) for lead registrants on 26 April 2012

Webinar with live demonstration on the beta version of Chesar 2.0 (CSA 2) on 21 May 2012