
Substance Regulatory Obligations


Total non-methane hydrocarbons

EC number: -

CAS number: -

Last updated: 22/02/2021
ECHA Legislation Regulatory Obligations

Regulatory obligations may exist for this substance under the legislations under ECHA’s remit or for which ECHA has delegated tasks (i.e. REACH, CLP, BPR, PIC, CAD / CMD, WFD, and POPs). Please check the substance Infocard.

Ambient Air Quality Directive

Ambient Air Quality Directive, Annex X - Ozone Precursor Substances

This list contains ozone precursor substances, including nitrogen oxides (NO and NO2) and volatile organic compounds (VOC) that shall be measured to analyze any trend in ozone precursors, to check the efficiency of emission reduction strategies, to check the consistency of emission inventories and to help attribute emission sources to observed pollution concentrations.

Name CAS Group Notes
Total non-methane hydrocarbons
VOC (Volatile organic compounds)
1 Volatile organic compounds recommended for measurement
Construction Products Regulation

Construction Product Regulation - Annex I (3) - Hazardous Substances

This list contains a non-exhaustive inventory of substances taken from: (1) Table 3 of Annex VI to CLP; (2) the Candidate List of SVHCs; (3) Annex XIV of REACH (Authorisation List); (4) Annex XVII of REACH (Restrictions List); (5) F-gases subject to emission limits/reporting per Regulation 517/2014/EU; and (6) volatile organic compounds (VOCs) listed in the Ambient Air Directive 2008/50/EC. The basis of the list is Annex I(3) of the Construction Products Regulation 305/2011/EC, which stipulates that construction works must not have a high impact on human health or the environment as a result of: giving off toxic gas; emissions of dangerous substances, volatile organic compounds (VOC), greenhouse gases or dangerous particles into indoor or outdoor air; release of dangerous substances into drinking water, ground water, marine waters, surface waters or soil.

Name CAS EU CLP (1272/2008) EU REACH: Annex XIV EU REACH: List of SVHC EU REACH: Annex XVII EU FGG (517/2014) EU VOC (2008/50)
Total non-methane hydrocarbons