Getting started with Chesar 3
To be able to immediately run Chesar 3, you can use the following:
Illustrative CSR example in Chesar 3
This section contains an example of a chemical safety assessment prepared by ECHA. This example, originally prepared in 2012 and published on ECHA website, has been updated taking into account the lessons learned over the past years and the further development of good safety assessment practice under REACH.
The updated IUCLID 6 file and Chesar 3 file are available at:
Use maps
A use map informs on the uses of chemicals in a harmonised and structured way. It describes the uses and has links to the information needed to carry out exposure assessments. Use maps are typically generated by downstream user sector organisations. For more information
To facilitate the creation of use maps in Chesar XML format by Industry sector organisations, the following "use map" Chesar 3 substance file can be used as a starting point. For more information refer to the manual Chesar 3 for sector associations.
When the use maps have been created, the following dummy substance files can be imported by industry sector organisations to check the content of the use maps before publication (see section 4.2 of the manual Chesar 3 for sector associations).
Standard phrases catalogue
CEFIC ESCom phrase catalogue can be uploaded in Chesar to support the generation of Exposure Scenario for communication in a standardised way. It is updated twice a year. You can download a Chesar 3 compatible version of the catalogue from Cefic website:
ConsExpo exposure estimations importable to Chesar
Exposure estimations made with the new version of the ConsExpoWeb tool can be imported into Chesar through a ConsExpo export file. For more information: