Addressing substances of concern

Addressing substances of concern

Building on the experience gained during the first years of implementing REACH and the CLP Regulation, ECHA has developed an integrated regulatory strategy that brings together the various regulatory processes. The strategy provides a clear and coherent basis for achieving the aims of the regulations and contributing to the goals set by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals concerning chemicals.


Aims of ECHA's Integrated Regulatory Strategy
  • To efficiently select substances or groups of substances that raise potential concern. The information needed to assess their safety is generated so that any remaining concerns can be addressed through the most suitable regulatory risk management measures.
  • To ensure appropriate and timely intervention by all actors – ECHA, Member States, the European Commission and industry
  • To provide confidence among stakeholders that registrants meet REACH information requirements, promoting improved communication on safe use in the supply chain.

Implemented since 2016, the strategy has continued the work started under the SVHC Roadmap.

Cooperation with authorities and stakeholders

Cooperation between authorities – ECHA, the European Commission and the Member States – is key to the efficient and effective implementation of the REACH and CLP processes under ECHA’s Integrated Regulatory Strategy. By working together with stakeholders, including industry representatives and NGOs, authorities can help ensure the transparency and predictability of regulatory activities, and make sure that all parties are informed on the progress made in addressing particular groups of substances.

How are the processes integrated?

The infographic below provides an overview of the different processes and how they relate to each other. A substance may enter a regulatory process at any point in time without following the flow shown in the diagram.


Addressing substances of concern