
Patch available for Chesar 3.6

07 April 2021

A patch release of Chesar, Chesar, is available for download.

After the analysis of the feedback received from some users having experienced problems during the migration of the Chesar 3.5 data, we have been able to address all issues reported and deliver this patched version of Chesar 3.6. 

Important note: Chesar is exactly the same as Chesar 3.6.1 (see the 19/01/2021 news alert), with the exception of some specific migration rules affecting a limited number of users. Therefore, if you have successfully installed Chesar 3.6.1 and in case of migration from Chesar 3.5 you had no issues, you can continue to work with your current Chesar version.

The changes performed to the migration rules, are highlighted in the release notes document that has been updated accordingly.

Useful links