Download Chesar 3.7.3
Before downloading and installing Chesar 3.7.3, read the following:
- Chesar 3.7.3 is made available as a desktop and a server version.
- The Chesar 3.7.3 installation packages are available from the Download button.
- To download Chesar 3.7.3, you need to sign in and accept the Chesar License Agreement which covers both desktop and server versions. If you do not yet have an ECHA account, you need to create an account.
- Check the list of new features and changes for Chesar 3.7.3 and read carefully the list of known issues in the release notes.
Chesar 3.7.3 is fully compatible with the latest version of IUCLID 6.6 published on the IUCLID 6 website.
Please note that the download is currently not possible with Google Chrome browser in Windows 10 environment. In addition, problems have been encountered while using Microsoft Edge browser. We are investigating these issues and are working to fix them as soon as possible. In the meantime, please use other browsers to download the files.
We apologise for the inconvenience.