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Please be aware that this old REACH registration data factsheet is no longer maintained; it remains frozen as of 19th May 2023.

The new ECHA CHEM database has been released by ECHA, and it now contains all REACH registration data. There are more details on the transition of ECHA's published data to ECHA CHEM here.

Diss Factsheets

Administrative data

Description of key information

- skin:
rabbit, 24 h: irritant (TSCAT, OTS 0538594, Doc I.D. 88-920007511, Monsanto Company, 1979; reliable with restrictions)
GLP In Vitro EPISKIN Skin Irritation Test: irritant (Evonik Oxeno GmbH, 2009; reliable with restrictions)
- eye:
rabbit, 24 h: mildly irritant (TSCAT, OTS 0538594, Doc I.D. 88-920007511, Monsanto Company, 1979; reliable with restrictions)
rabbit: mildy irritant (Smyth, H.F. et al., 1962; reliable with restrictions)

Key value for chemical safety assessment

Skin irritation / corrosion

Link to relevant study records

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skin irritation: in vitro / ex vivo
Type of information:
experimental study
Adequacy of study:
key study
2 (reliable with restrictions)
Rationale for reliability incl. deficiencies:
guideline study with acceptable restrictions
equivalent or similar to guideline
OECD Guideline 439 (In Vitro Skin Irritation: Reconstructed Human Epidermis Test Method)
Principles of method if other than guideline:
The test was conducted in accordance with the Standard Operating Procedure, In Vitro Skin Irritation Test: Human Epidermis Model (L'Oreal, 2005), supplied by L'Oreal (leading laboratory in the validation of the test for ECVAM) and the OECD Guideline For The Testing of Chemicals (OECD 2008).
GLP compliance:
yes (incl. QA statement)
Specific details on test material used for the study:
- Name of test material (as cited in study report): 2-Propylheptan-1-ol
- Physical state: Clear, colourless liquid
- Analytical purity: 96.2%
- Lot/batch No.: 16.06.2008
- ID Nr.: 0649/82526
- Expiration date of the lot/batch: July 2009
- Storage condition of test material: Room temperature
Test system:
human skin model
Source species:
Cell type:
non-transformed keratinocytes
unchanged (no vehicle)
Details on test system:
- Procedure used: The maintenance medium was pre-warmed to 37° C. The tissues were removed from the agar and placed into wells of 12 well plates containing 2 ml pre-warmed maintenance medium per well. The tissues were incubated for a minimum of 24 hours at 37 ± 2°C in a humidified atmosphere of 5% C02 in air.
- Quality control for skin discs:histological scoring(HES stained vertical paraffin sections, n = 6): well-dlfferentiated epidermis consisting of a basal layer, several spinousand granular layers and a thick stratum corneum; IC50 determination (after SDS treatment)

- Temperature used during treatment / exposure: 37 ± 2°C
- Temperature of post-treatment incubation (if applicable): 37 ± 2°C

- Number of washing steps: 1
- Observable damage in the tissue due to washing: not specified
- Modifications to validated SOP: no

- Dye used in the dye-binding assay: MTT
- Spectrophotometer: not specified
- Wavelength: 540 nm
- Filter: not specified
- Filter bandwidth: not specified


If the mean tissue viability was equal or less than 50% of the negative control value, the sample was classed as Irritant R38 (EU classification).
Control samples:
yes, concurrent negative control
yes, concurrent positive control
Amount/concentration applied:
- Amount(s) applied (volume or weight with unit): 10 µL
- Concentration (if solution): undiluted

- Amount(s) applied (volume or weight with unit): 10 µL
- Concentration (if solution): undiluted

- Amount(s) applied (volume or weight): 10 µL
- Concentration (if solution): 5% in sterile water
Duration of treatment / exposure:
15 ± 0.5 minutes
Duration of post-treatment incubation (if applicable):
42 ± 1 hour
Number of replicates:
Irritation / corrosion parameter:
% tissue viability
Negative controls validity:
Positive controls validity:
Remarks on result:
positive indication of irritation
Other effects / acceptance of results:
- Visible damage on test system: not specified
- Direct-MTT reduction: no
- Colour interference with MTT: no


- Acceptance criteria met for negative control: yes
- Acceptance criteria met for positive control: yes
- Acceptance criteria met for variability between replicate measurements: yes

- Negative control:

The mean absorbance of the triplicate negative control values was 0.618 which was above the minimum acceptance value of 0.6. The standard deviation of the % viability was 2.8 which was below the maximum acceptance value of 18.

- Positive control: The mean viability of the positive control was 12.5% ± 6.0 of the negative control. These were below the maximum acceptance values of 30% viability and SD of 18.

There was no colour change in the test substance, 2-Propylheptan-l-ol (MTT) solution or the water control (MTT) solution after three hours incubation in the dark at 37 ±2°C in a humidified atmosphere of5% CO2 in air. The test substance had not interacted with the MTT.

Sample Tissue viability as percentage of mean OD negative control  
Replicate Tissues Mean +/- SD Prediction MTT endpoint
Negative Control 102.7 100.2 97.1 100.0 +/- 2.8 not applicable
Positive control 7.7 19.3 10.4 12.5 +/- 6.0 irritant
2-Propylheptan-I-ol 14.7 8.1 9.9 10.9 +/- 3.4 irritant

The Standard Operating Procedure, In Vitro Skin Irritation Test: Human Epidermis Model EPISKIN, EPISKIN Skin Irritation Test-42hours (L'Oreal 2005) recommends analysis of IL-1alpha if the MTT mean tissue viability of the test material is >/= 50%. As the mean tissue viability of test material, 2-Propylheptan-1-ol, was 10.9 % ± 3.4, IL-1 alpha analysis of the medium was not required.

Interpretation of results:
Category 2 (irritant) based on GHS criteria
It was concluded that the test material with a mean tissue viability of 10.9 % ± 3.4, is predicted as a skin irritant.
Executive summary:

The objective of the test was to assess the skin irritancy, in vitro, of the test substance.

The test material was applied to EPISKIN human epidermis skin constructs. The constructs consisted of normal, human-derived epidermal keratinocytes, which had been cultured to form a multilayered, highly differentiated model of the human epidermis with a functional multilayered stratum corneum. The cell viability of the multi layers was determined by mitochondrial dehydrogenase activity. The prediction model uses the percentage viability values (compared to negative control viability) to identify irritant and non-irritant materials.

The test material elicited a mean tissue viability of 10.9 ±3.4 % and was predicted as irritant.

skin irritation: in vivo
Type of information:
experimental study
Adequacy of study:
supporting study
2 (reliable with restrictions)
Rationale for reliability incl. deficiencies:
other: Comparable to current guideline requirements and scientifically valid.
Principles of method if other than guideline:
0.5 ml of the undiluted test substance was administered to the skin of 6 New Zealand Albino Rabbits for 24 h to determine the irritant potential of the test substance (according to Federal Hazardous Substance Act).
GLP compliance:
Specific details on test material used for the study:
- Name of test material (as cited in study report): 2-Propylheptanol
- Lot/batch No.: NBP 1282594-A
New Zealand White
Type of coverage:
not specified
Preparation of test site:
other: intact and abraded
unchanged (no vehicle)
not specified
Amount / concentration applied:
- Amount(s) applied (volume or weight with unit): 0.5 ml undiluted
Duration of treatment / exposure:
24 h
Observation period:
7 days (168 h)
Number of animals:
Details on study design:
SCORING SYSTEM: according to Draize
Irritation parameter:
erythema score
(animal 1-6)
Time point:
other: 24-48 - 72 h
Max. score:
fully reversible within: 7 days
Remarks on result:
other: intact skin
Irritation parameter:
edema score
(animal 1-6)
Time point:
other: 24 - 48 - 72 h
Max. score:
fully reversible within: 7 days
Remarks on result:
other: intact skin
Other effects:
Severe defatting effect - skin sloughed off in ten to seventeen days.
There was no injury in depth.

Exposition:  24 h (intact skin)
Animal  Reading  Erythema Edema
1 4 h 1 1
2 4 h 1 1
3 4 h 1 1
4 4 h 1 1
5 4 h 1 1
6 4 h 1 1
1 24 h 4 3
2 24 h 4 4
3 24 h 4 4
4 24 h 4 4
5 24 h 4 3
6 24 h 3 4
1 48 h 4 3
2 48 h 4 3
3 48 h 4 4
4 48 h 4 4
5 48 h 3 3
6 48 h 3 3
1 72 h 4 3
2 72 h 4 3
3 72 h 4 3
4 72 h 4 4
5 72 h 3 3
6 72 h 4 3
1 7 d 0 0
2 7 d 0 0
3 7 d 0 0
4 7 d 0 0
5 7 d 0 0
6 7 d 0 0
1 24 - 72 h 4 3.0
2 24 - 72 h 4 3.3
3 24 - 72 h 4 3.7
4 24 - 72 h 4 4.0
5 24 - 72 h 3.3 3.0
6 24 - 72 h 3.3 3.3
mean (animal 1-6) 24 - 72 h 3.78 3.39

Exposition:  24 h (intact skin)
Animal  Reading  Erythema Edema
1 4 h 1 1
2 4 h 1 1
3 4 h 1 1
4 4 h 1 1
5 4 h 1 1
6 4 h 1 1
1 24 h 4 3
2 24 h 4 4
3 24 h 4 4
4 24 h 4 4
5 24 h 4 3
6 24 h 3 4
1 48 h 4 3
2 48 h 4 3
3 48 h 4 4
4 48 h 4 4
5 48 h 3 3
6 48 h 3 3
1 72 h 4 3
2 72 h 4 3
3 72 h 4 3
4 72 h 4 4
5 72 h 3 3
6 72 h 4 3
1 7 d 0 0
2 7 d 0 0
3 7 d 0 0
4 7 d 0 0
5 7 d 0 0
6 7 d 0 0
1 24 - 72 h 4 3.0
2 24 - 72 h 4 3.3
3 24 - 72 h 4 3.7
4 24 - 72 h 4 4.0
5 24 - 72 h 3.3 3.0
6 24 - 72 h 3.3 3.3
mean (animal 1-6) 24 - 72 h 3.78 3.39

Primary irritation score: 7.2

The results of the abraded skin were not discussed because they are not relevant for evaluation of the test substance.

Interpretation of results:
Category 2 (irritant) based on GHS criteria
Endpoint conclusion
Endpoint conclusion:
adverse effect observed (irritating)

Eye irritation

Link to relevant study records

Referenceopen allclose all

eye irritation: in vivo
Type of information:
experimental study
Adequacy of study:
weight of evidence
2 (reliable with restrictions)
Rationale for reliability incl. deficiencies:
other: Scientifically valid.
Principles of method if other than guideline:
Eye injury in rabbits is recorded in a 10-grade ordinal series and is based upon the degree of corneal necrosis that results from instillation of various volumes and concentrations of chemical.
GLP compliance:
Specific details on test material used for the study:
- Name of test material (as cited in study report): 2-propylheptanol
- Analytical purity: not stated
not specified
other: undiluted sample or solutions in water or propylene glycol
not specified
Duration of treatment / exposure:
no data
Observation period (in vivo):
no data
Number of animals or in vitro replicates:
no data
Details on study design:
SCORING SYSTEM: Grade 1 indicates at most a very small area of necrosis resulting from 0.5 ml of undiluted chemical in the eye. Grade 5 indicates a so-called severe burn from 0.005 ml, and Grade 10 indicates a severe burn from 0.5 ml of a 1% solution in water or propylene glycol.

Irritation parameter:
other: degree of corneal necrosis
Time point:
other: no data available
Max. score:

The primary eye irritation was graded as 2.

eye irritation: in vivo
Type of information:
experimental study
Adequacy of study:
weight of evidence
2 (reliable with restrictions)
Rationale for reliability incl. deficiencies:
guideline study with acceptable restrictions
equivalent or similar to guideline
OECD Guideline 405 (Acute Eye Irritation / Corrosion)
GLP compliance:
Specific details on test material used for the study:
- Name of test material (as cited in study report): 2-Propylheptanol
- Lot/batch No.: NBP 1282594-A
New Zealand White
unchanged (no vehicle)
not specified
Amount / concentration applied:
- Amount(s) applied (volume or weight with unit): 0.1 ml undiluted
Duration of treatment / exposure:
24 h
Observation period (in vivo):
7 days (168 h)
Number of animals or in vitro replicates:
Details on study design:
SCORING SYSTEM: according to Draize
Irritation parameter:
overall irritation score
Time point:
other: 24 - 72 h
Max. score:
fully reversible within: 168 h
Irritant / corrosive response data:
Immediate : Discomfort was moderate with eyes tightly closed;
10 Min.: Slight erythema, copious discharge;
1 h: Slight to moderate erythema, copious discharge;
24 h: Areas of barely perceptible corneal dullness, iris reaction to light was sluggish, moderate to severe erythema, very slight edema, copious discharge;
48 - 120 h: Gradual improvement;
168 h: All scored zero;

Animal  Reading  Cornea Iris Conjunctivae
1 1 hr 0 0 10
2 1 hr 0 0 10
3 1 hr 0 0 8
4 1 hr 0 0 8
5 1 hr 0 0 8
6 1 hr 0 0 8
1 24 hrs 5 5 14
2 24 hrs 10 5 14
3 24 hrs 5 5 14
4 24 hrs 10 5 12
5 24 hrs 15 5 14
6 24 hrs 15 5 14
1 48 hrs 0 0 12
2 48 hrs 5 0 8
3 48 hrs 0 0 8
4 48 hrs 5 0 8
5 48 hrs 10 5 14
6 48 hrs 5 0 8
1 72 hrs 0 0 6
2 72 hrs 0 0 4
3 72 hrs 0 0 4
4 72 hrs 0 0 4
5 72 hrs 5 0 8
6 72 hrs 0 0 4
1 5 days 0 0 4
2 5 days 0 0 2
3 5 days 0 0 4
4 5 days 0 0 2
5 5 days 0 0 4
6 5 days 0 0 2
1 7 days 0 0 0
2 7 days 0 0 0
3 7 days 0 0 0
4 7 days 0 0 0
5 7 days 0 0 0
6 7 days 0 0 0
1 24/48/72 hrs 1.7 1.7 10.7
2 24/48/72 hrs 5.0 1.7 8.7
3 24/48/72 hrs 1.7 1.7 8.7
4 24/48/72 hrs 5.0 1.7 8.0
5 24/48/72 hrs 10.0 3.3 12.0
6 24/48/72 hrs 6.7 1.7 8.7
mean animal 1-3 24/48/72 hrs 5.0 1.9 9.4
Animal  Reading  Corneal Opacity Iris Conjunctivae Redness
1 1 hr 0 0 10
2 1 hr 0 0 10
3 1 hr 0 0 8
4 1 hr 0 0 8
5 1 hr 0 0 8
6 1 hr 0 0 8
1 24 hrs 5 5 14
2 24 hrs 10 5 14
3 24 hrs 5 5 14
4 24 hrs 10 5 12
5 24 hrs 15 5 14
6 24 hrs 15 5 14
1 48 hrs 0 0 12
2 48 hrs 5 0 8
3 48 hrs 0 0 8
4 48 hrs 5 0 8
5 48 hrs 10 5 14
6 48 hrs 5 0 8
1 72 hrs 0 0 6
2 72 hrs 0 0 4
3 72 hrs 0 0 4
4 72 hrs 0 0 4
5 72 hrs 5 0 8
6 72 hrs 0 0 4
1 5 days 0 0 4
2 5 days 0 0 2
3 5 days 0 0 4
4 5 days 0 0 2
5 5 days 0 0 4
6 5 days 0 0 2
1 7 days 0 0 0
2 7 days 0 0 0
3 7 days 0 0 0
4 7 days 0 0 0
5 7 days 0 0 0
6 7 days 0 0 0
1 24/48/72 hrs 1.7 0.0 10.7
2 24/48/72 hrs 5.0 1.7 8.7
3 24/48/72 hrs 1.7 1.7 8.7
4 24/48/72 hrs 5.0 1.7 8.0
5 24/48/72 hrs 10.0 3.3 12.0
6 24/48/72 hrs 6.7 1.7 8.7
mean animal 1-3 24/48/72 hrs 5.0 1.7 9.4

The average irritation score was 16.3.

Interpretation of results:
Category 2 (irritating to eyes) based on GHS criteria
Endpoint conclusion
Endpoint conclusion:
adverse effect observed (irritating)

Respiratory irritation

Endpoint conclusion
Endpoint conclusion:
no study available

Additional information


In a GLP in vitro EPISKIN Skin Irritation Test (Val. 2, Evonik Oxeno GmbH, 2009) the test substance was classified as irritant potential.

The skin irritating potential is confirmed by an in vivo skin irritation/corrosion study (TSCAT, OTS 0538594, Doc I.D. 88-920007511, Monsanto Company, 1979). 0.5 ml of the undiluted test substance was administered to the skin of 6 New Zealand Albino rabbits for 24 h (according to Federal Hazardous Substance Act). The mean scores (24 - 48 -72 h) for erythema and edema were 3.78 and 3.39, respectively. All observed edema and erythema were reversible within 7 days. Additionally, a severe defatting effect was observed. This study was conducted before the implementation of GLP and OECD Guidelines.


Irritation to eyes was analyzed in a study reliable with restrictions (TSCAT, OTS 0538594, Doc I.D. 88-920007511, Monsanto Company, 1979). Six albino rabbits received a single instillation of 0.1 ml of the undiluted test substance for 24 h. The Mean Overall Irritation Score (24-48-72 h) was 16.3 (max. score: 110) and the test substance was classified as a mild eye irritant (according to Federal Hazardous Substance Act) as all effects were fully reversible within 7 days.

In an additional study, eye injury in New Zealand White rabbits was recorded in a 10-grade ordinal series and was based upon the degree of corneal necrosis that results from installation of 2-Propylheptan-1-ol into the eyes of the rabbits. The administration of the test substance resulted in a grade 2 corneal injury on a scale of 1-10. These results indicate that the test substance caused minimal corneal injury (Smyth, H.F., 1962; Val.2).

Both studies were conducted before the implementation of GLP and OECD Guidelines.

In a GLP-conform BCOP-Test conducted similar to OECD 437 the test substance was negative.

Justification for classification or non-classification

The available experimental test data are reliable and suitable for classification purposes under Regulation 1272/2008. As a result the substance considered to be classified for skin and eye irritation cat. 2 under Regulation (EC) No. 1272/2008, as amended for the tenth time in Regulation (EU) No 2017/776.